A recent document generated by Aucor regarding the Milnerton Training Centre has apparently led to some confusion amongst recipients.
Aucor Property and the local trainer’s representative have issued a statement to clarify the contents of the notice.
The statement reads:
“The board of Kenilworth Racing last year appointed Hassen Adams, Vidrik Thurling and Riaan du Plessis as a property sub-committee to investigate and advise the board on the options available in respect of all of Kenilworth Racing’s properties. In the course of carrying out the mandate, consultations with affected stake-holders (notably trainers) have taken place and will continue.
Following the initial consultation, the Milnerton trainers’ representatives (Brett Crawford and Mark Bass) approached Vidrik Thurling with a request that consideration be given to acquiring land in the vicinity of Milnerton (instead of to Philippi or Modderrivier).
A very preliminary review confirmed that this option was not financially viable at this stage, but would continue to be explored.
The property committee is therefore continuing to explore all alternatives, including the relocation of all or some trainers to Modderrivier and/or Philippi.
During our last consultation, the Sub Committee were requested to communicate with all trainers and to put forward alternatives of our own.
The letter referred to, was merely a “written discussion” to generate ideas from trainers, however this letter appeared to be misleading and should not be taken into consideration on meritorious facts.
The misleading statements on the Aucor letter need to be rectified with immediate effect.P
lease note that the properties in the Western Cape belong to Kenilworth Racing and not Phumelela.
It was also false in mentioning that “Phumelela have agreed in principal to offer a soft loan”.
Riaan du Plessis undertook to recommend to the board of Kenilworth Racing that consideration be given to making a soft loan available to those trainers who wished to relocate to premises other than Philippi.
In so doing, the Kenilworth board would then have needed to be given the requisite assurances that the loan would be used to acquire and erect proper training facilities as it would be insupportable for Kenilworth Racing to making a soft loan available simply for commercial exploitation of Milnerton by trainers instead of by the company.
The proposal by Aucor to acquire the Milnerton training centre and the figures mentioned in the proposal were purely thumb suck figures and are not realistic.
The R100 million mentioned is devoid of commercial reality and will not be entertained by the property sub-committee, nor by the board.
The property sub-committee and the board remain open to consider all meritorious proposals.
Our Sincere Apologies for the confusion.
Aucor Property and on behalf of the trainer’s representatives.”