Ernie Rodrigues

Cold Fact – Ernie – Who Else?

Cape Chief Stipendiary Steward Ernie Rodrigues is the man tasked with overseeing the policing of Saturday’s CTS Million Dollar – a race that includes his namesake, Ernie – who runs for the lifechanging prize in Africa’s richest ever race

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Jella Loochee

Axle No Rose For Kenilworth Racing

Trainers say it was ridiculous as horses taught all their racing lives to jump when they are confronted with an open gate would never stand still waiting for the fall of a flag!

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How Full is Your Glass ?

ROBYN LOUW: In addition to greed and heartbreak, there is beauty and talent and effort and joy. In addition to money, there are horses.But then, I’m a glass half full kind of girl.

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