Featured Racing & Sport

Profile – Brian Finch

Brian Finch is a wonderful husband, father and he takes his passion into owning horses and assisting in making racing a wonderful sport for all

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Profile – Vicky Minott

It seemed that VICKY MINOTT’s career, as a jockey, was going full steam ahead until she had an operation on her ankle for an old injury. That break from training, and racing, gave Vicky the chance to re-evaluate her future

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Profile – Girish Goomany

In recent times the island of Mauritius has been supplying South Africa with some very promising apprentices. The latest to join these ranks is 19 year old GIRISH GOOMANY.

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Some Enchanted Evening

The Stipes Report indicates that trainer Paul Peter was questioned regarding Enchanted Kingdom’s improved performance. It says that he explained that this mare was better suited to the longer distance of this race. What about the tongue-tie, the health issues and the good work?

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Profile – Abram Makhubo

Winning Form wishes Abram Makhubo everything of the best in his future endeavours and know that he will fly the flag high in the new season.

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