Gambling Review Commission

Parliament misinformed

A report from a self-proclaimed head of a non-existent Groom Union presented at the public hearings of the Portfolio Committee on Gambling Review Commission’s Report in Parliament.

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Gambling Review: Public Hearings

The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry has released programmes for public hearings to be held on 28 October and 2 November. Everyone and his dog is there – even BetFair has a presentation.

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Levelling the Playing Fields

The horseracing Operators, Gold Circle and Phumelela, have each tendered written submissions to Parliamentary Committee of the DTI in support of a need to “level the playing fields”, identified by a Gambling Review Commission

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Barking Up The Wrong Tree

LANCE BENSON: The legalisation of Dog Racing was discussed in parliament last week. As usual there are two opposing lobbies and the debate has a long road to walk still

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