When one finds oneself having a difference of opinion, it is rather important to try and avoid such disagreement becoming personal. Basil Thomas hopes that he can manage to do that – as he certainly has no desire to demean or disrespect Mr Thiselton personally. The dilemma that he faces is that he views his response as so clearly a load of hogwash that it simply cannot go unanswered.
Submission to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry By the South African National Bookmakers’ Association On the Final Report of the Gambling Review Commission.
David Thisleton responds to Basil Thomas’ “Fair Play?”, which was a comment on an original newspaper article by Thistleton.
Two past winners of the Cape’s premier summer speed clash are in the fifteen strong line-up
Charl Pretorius pokes a bit of fun as we brace ourselves for a rollercoaster ride through the absurd, the outrageous, and the downright unbelievable in South African horse racing