From Koster To KZN
An animal fanatic and a nature lover, the Koster born Ina-Marie Burger has enjoyed her first career break
An animal fanatic and a nature lover, the Koster born Ina-Marie Burger has enjoyed her first career break
With Africa’s Greatest Horseracing event, the Vodacom Durban July, being run on Saturday, the protest action comes at a sensitive time for the industry
If you are drawn high up the straight course, you are racing in what appears to be a long line of glue, suggests trainer Joey Ramsden
The overall consensus is that the new Summerveld Training Centre is a real winner – even if the protectionist policies adopted by Gold Circle are still archaic and effectively promoting mediocrity and putting the visitors under pressure
“It was a choice of going to Turffontein or taking them to Durban and I was not prepared to go to Summerveld with them.”
Michael Roberts will contest the South African trainers championship in the not to distant future.
Futura Park trainer Brett Crawford will be winging his way to Hong Kong
In this second of a new weekly column entitled Time Is Money, we look at some of the past weekend’s highlights