Adriaan and Rika van Vuuren (photo: JC Photographics)
Leading racehorse owner Adriaan van Vuuren, whose orange-and-black silks were made famous by Triple Crown winner Abashiri, has written on Facebook that he and wife Rika will be leaving the sport of horseracing.
Van Vuuren says that he and his family have been hurt by the “evil eyes” of the media, following his decision to run Abashiri in the Vodacom Durban July.
“If Vodacom withdraw their sponsorship through the egotistical bleating of an hysterical owner, then I will be more than a tad surprised,” wrote contributor, Humpty Dumpty, in the letters column of Sporting Post.
Read the Sporting Post Mailbag here
Van Vuuren, however, seems aggrieved by more than one letter, suggested by his comments on Facebook of being “abused and victimized”.
He wrote in a FB posting on Monday night:
It is with sadness that I have to announce that myself and Misty Meadows will exit Horse Racing as owners in the coming season. The abuse of the media and false and inaccurate reporting has destroyed our love and desire for the sport. We will not buy or purchase one more horse and will reduce our presence down to 30 horses. Support and involvement to zero in the coming months. It is sad to say but in this game we are not prepared to pay in family time and resources to be abused and victimized like this. Sporting Post and all other evil eyes – Well done and mission achieved. Sad day for me but I must be the most stupid man alive to continue in a dishonest hi-jacked two man circus where I am described and labelled as the main clown. This clown is done and signing out for duty.

Mike Azzie
Neither Van Vuuren or trainer Mike Azzie could be reached for comment this morning, though a prominent owner who chose to go unnamed, said:
“Adriaan is over-reacting and he should re-consider his decision. One has to have a very thick skin in this game. It is always a sport of highs and lows and the Van Vuurens have become prominent owners, always in the spotlight. They should put this behind them and look to the future. Before they wipe the sadness from their eyes there will be new glory, new winners to get excited about. There are many other owners and racing fans who value and appreciate their contribution to racing. We cannot afford to lose patrons like these.”