Like many industries in Mauritius, the horse racing industry is experiencing extremely difficult times
In a press release, the Mauritius Turf Club say that no racing has taken place since 7 December 2019 and it is unlikely that racing will take place for at least another month
This will mean that the MTC would not have earned any material income for nearly 6 months, by the time racing resumes
As a result, the MTC is experiencing very serious cash flow problems and is looking to cut costs wherever possible To help the MTC in its ongoing cost cutting campaign, the entire management team has agreed to forfeit up to 35% of their salary package in April 2020
Not only is this gesture a personal sacrifice by all senior managers , but it also clearly indicates the commitment that all managers have to overcoming the challenges that the MTC currently faces
In addition to cutting costs wherever possible, the MTC will seek Government and commercial bank financial assistance to get the club through these very difficult times