Racing Its A Rush

Grilled Prawns with Lemon Butter and Savory Bread

Prawns – They’re A Rush!

While the organisers are overwhelmed with the great attendance in the Prawn Festival area this year, the unanticipated numbers did lead to queues and catering shortfalls resulting in some unhappy customers

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What’s The Rush?

With a first birthday just around the corner, the Racing – It’s A Rush initiative has to face some serious questions. Like what has actually been achieved and why a simple marketing tool like a website appears out of their reach? The jury is out – but you be the judge…

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Bling Or Speed Dial?

While he feels he might be at a 3kg to 4kg weight disadvantage with Khumalo, the fact that Lerena hasn’t won a Champion Jockey title yet could make him even more determined. “I came very close in 2012, missing out on the title by one win, this would be my first,” said Lerena

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Racing Past Sell-By Date?

Racing has to be able to offer life changing prize money on a regular basis, with jackpots that can come close to or rival casino or lottery pools and payouts

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How Not To Sell The Geegees

There are far too many people waving their arms, moving their lips and drawing salaries rather than actually getting off their rear-ends in this industry. C’mon, let’s argue the point!

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Racing: Stumbling Along

The powers that be are not willing to make the required change as this often involves making unpopular decisions. Acting in one’s self interest is another major hurdle at board level.

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One Size Does Not Fit All

The owner, or potential owner, the gambler and the socialite, who is just looking for a good time, have vastly different requirements and trigger points, suggests a reader

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Race Marketing Or Diplomatic Immunity?

Brand ambassadors write blogs, tweet, Facebook post, etc. It is a constant circle of attracting new fans to the sport, converting them, immersing them and then they turn around and become ambassadors for us. They share their experience at the track

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What’s The Rush?

The most crucial element to marketing is having a genuine belief in what is being sold as without this failure is almost guaranteed. It is equally important to reach out to customers with something that they would want

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