Getting SA champion jockey elect Gavin Lerena to talk to us a week in advance of the curtain call on his best ever season took some serious race riding on our part – and a bit of jockeying for position.
“The championship chase is not over until the fat lady sings,” he says almost philosophically, but more with a sense of genuine humility than superstition.
A sure sign that being born into a staunch horseracing family has taught the 30 year old rider well. That is, never to leave what he can control to chance – or to assume anything.
It’s a long tough game. He nods in agreement.
But somehow we can already hear the music playing – and the fat lady is clearing her throat with that mic poised to belt this one out…
So Close
Gavin hasn’t forgotten the 2012 season championship chase that went right down to the wire at Kenilworth on Tuesday 31 July.
Anton Marcus won on Scaky Phane and Pirate Flag to beat him by just a solitary winner.
That was despite Gavin breaking his leg in the April and being off for six to seven weeks.
But the experience built character and he has improved on his personal best this year of 204 winners achieved that year.
That’s life!
Listen to the Gavin anthem…
“South Africa produces some of the world’s best jockeys. And up until three months ago any one of the eight top jocks on the log were major opponents. Sure, it may well have come down to a two-horse race between myself and S’manga Khumalo now. And I am honoured and privileged, whatever happens. But I don’t intend resting on my laurels just yet,” he says almost apologetically.
Coming Of Age
For South African horseracing fans, the 17 year old boy has become a man.
And it all started when the toddler watched his jockey Dad as the old man’s biggest fan – but more specifically in April 2002, when Gavin finally got his foot in the door at the SA Jockey Academy as an equestrian student.
He had few options as his height and weight were against him.
But his perseverance and determination to become a professional jockey paid off when he was given an opportunity by the Headmaster of one of the world’s most respected institutions of its kind to become an apprentice jockey. That was July 2002.
The rest is history. And big news right now.
My Family
Gavin has giant footsteps to walk in.
The Lerena name has been around SA horseracing for decades and the sport of kings is coursing through his veins.
His great grandfather and grandfather were trainers, while Great Uncle Frederick Chapell was also a jockey and trained the winner of the 1957 Durban July – a 3yo filly called Migraine.
Another relative is his Uncle Spike – a former jockey and a popular and successful present day Gauteng trainer – who trained the great Jungle Rock.
Gavin’s cousin Brandon is retained by the powerful Ricky Maingard stable and is currently leading the Mauritius jockey log.
Gavin’s Dad Tex, a dead ringer for rock legend Mick Jagger, was a top jockey for 22 years, who also rode successfully in Mauritius, before weight issues put paid to his career.
Tex was in the 1970 academy intake that included the late Tobie Van Booma and Cape veteran Karl Neisius, who is still plying his trade.
Tex stayed involved in the game and these days is Vice Chairman of the Jockey Association of South Africa – representing the Gauteng and KZN jockeys.
And, very much in keeping with his personable and warm nature, he also has an interest in a diner called ‘Grilled Café’ in Linbro Park, Johannesburg.
Father Tex
We asked Tex how he was feeling, with a matter of days to go before his son donned the crown worn by some of the great jockeys of the modern era.
“I’m humbled but very proud of Gavin’s many achievements. But let’s rather celebrate when the winning number is in the frame next Friday,” he said with a broad smile.
Would he like to believe that he has had a big influence on his son’s style and approach?
“Other than the basics that all top sportsmen need to have in place, Gavin has his own unique style and gifted flare for riding. It’s a real talent,” he suggested modestly.
The attention is back on Gavin.
Very competitive on the racetrack but chilled at home and very much a family man, Gavin is quick to move the focus from himself to his support team.
“My family are my mainstay and they are the reason I have been able to apply myself and put my head down. My wife and son are my pride and joy and my motivation. My Dad is my best friend and mentor. My Mom Avril is my administrator and psychologist – she helps me pick myself up when I am down. She does the paperwork and the flights – and all the other things that jockeys don’t get time to do. My older sister Kim is probably my number one fan. And I’m a lucky guy as it doesn’t end there when it comes to family support,” he said proudly.
Soul Agents
Gavin says he could not have achieved what he had without his agents.
“My agents Tommy Germanus and George Croucher are the unsung heroes behind the scenes. Having a good agent makes all the difference when chasing a title – and they know their stuff and do a great job.”
He also said that he was proud of his association with Advance Fire Systems, his sponsors.
“Keith and Gail Waterston are well established racing folk and have a Gr1 runner on Super Saturday. I appreciate what they have done to support me and am honoured to have hopefully have given them some bang for their buck. They really deserve it,” he said.
“Then my good friend Dingaan Khumalo is my raceday valet and looks after my kit. He is an integral part of my success and has been with me for years.”
Resident in Bushwillow Estate, Greenstone, Gavin is married to PE-born former jockette Vikki Badenhorst, and he added enthusiastically that July is a big month in his life.
It was the month he was admitted as an apprentice.
“My son Ashton (he is the youngest of Tex’s three grandchildren) celebrated his first birthday on 1 July and I turned 30 the very next day. Hopefully July ends as well as it began,” he says in an obvious reference to the impending season end next Friday – and with a nervous chuckle that belies the confident athlete and dedicated professional sportsman
What has really made the difference for Gavin this season?
“From the outset I approached the season with a positive attitude. Fortunately I have to say again that I have always had a very strong support base thanks to my family. That, coupled with my backroom team and the kindness and belief in me of so many owners and trainers, has been phenomenal.”
Gavin’s unprecedented (certainly for a jockey!) gesture in donating R500 per winner to the HCU in the area where he rides his winner, has created a lot of positivity
“The reason behind my donation was that I usually support the HCU by playing in the charity golf games but I was unable to participate this year in view of my travelling. So I decided to follow another avenue. I just wish more people would come on board – we couldn’t enjoy this sport without the horse and they should always be our prime concern,” he said.
With Gavin’s new personal record of 42 winners in the month of June the Horse Care Units received a healthy grand total of R21 000 last month.
So what would winning a SA Jockey Championship mean for the future and his career?
“It has always been one of the boxes I wanted to tick for my CV locally and internationally. And I intend pursuing it until I achieve it.”
Gavin’s life and professional philosophy is quite simple: ‘If you can imagine it, dream it, believe it and it will happen.’
That’s champion stuff. We wish him and the entire Lerena family well.
The SA Champion Jockey Honour Roll
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Garth Puller
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Michael Roberts
Felix Coetzee
Jeff Lloyd
Jeff Lloyd
Felix Coetzee
Jeff Lloyd
Felix Coetzee
Piere Strydom
Jeff Lloyd
Piere Strydom
Piere Strydom
Jeff Lloyd
Jeff Lloyd
Weichong Marwing
Piere Strydom
Anthony Delpech
Anton Marcus
Piere Strydom
Mark Khan
Anthony Delpech
Mark Khan
MJ Odendaal
Mark Khan
Mark Khan
Anton Marcus
Andrew Fortune
Anton Marcus
Anton Marcus
Anton Marcus
Piere Strydom
S’Manga Khumalo
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